Sunday, May 24, 2009

Syracuse dress - final muslin

This is really the final draft of my dress for Syracuse.
Matt helped me adjust the waist to fit nicely and I'm pretty
happy with the way it fits. it's so hard to do it on myself,
so having a hand was a huge help.

The two-tone colour is because I was running out of
the basic muslin fabric and had to use some other leftovers
I had around.

The sleeves are the only bit that need work - I don't
want them to be puffy, but I think I know how to fix

Let me know if you notice anything else I should alter,
I just did the layout for the real fabric and am ready to

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Another round of muslins.... hopefully the last

I know it's just about time to stop fiddling and get down to the real sewing. But before I do I wanted to try on my final muslins one more time and dance about the house to see that they fitted well and wouldn't fall off. I found out that the shoulders do actually come off pretty easily. So... I've since been working on two solutions --- first is to alter the lines so that they come up a bit higher and second to build some internal structure to help hold them on (a waist stay and bands reaching up the shoulders... think suspenders but iside the dress).

First let me show you the final muslin pictures.

1) Vogue (for Sydney)

2) McCall's (for Syracuse)

Now... here is my revised version of the McCall's dress.
I copied a smaller size AND added 2cm to the shoulders.
I think I over-did the shoulder-reshape and made new problems.
So, before I go back to the old one and call it a day, I'm going to
try cutting it back to the designed lines -- but in the smaller size
and see what happens.

Excuse the tiny skirt - I cut it short to save time and fabric.
The short skirt makes it looks a bit like a skating outfit :-)